Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Issue Ombak Rindu Lagi...

Sebagai seorang Librarian, menyusun Newspaper merupakan salah satu tugas harian. I always ended up membacanya, or at least scan je. I read something interesting about Ombak Rindu on yesterday's issue of Utusan Malaysia.

Written by Abd. Aziz Itar, the article mengulas mengenai fenomena filem yang diadaptasi daripada novel dimana ianya menyentuh about the financial and copyright issue of Ombak Rindu.

The fact is... the film "Ombak Rindu" existed solely because of the author and of course the book publisher, however, they were paid RM4000 je sebagai bayaran untuk mengangkat novel tu ke filem, yang mana Penulis mendapat 40% daripada jumlah tersebut. So far, that's all they got from the filmmaker, and probably will stay that way, unless they have some sort of agreement about the film income.

In another article from the December 12th's issue of the same newspaper, ada menyatakan pindaan akta yang akan menguntungkan pengiat seni (termasuk penulis). However, for Ombak Rindu, nasi dah menjadi poridge. Nampaknya penulis dan penerbit novel tak akan mendapat apa - apa keuntungan dari filem tersebut.

Walaupun saya tak brapa minat Fauziah Ashari, I still feel sorry for her. I can just imagine how depressed she feels. The filmmaker did not do her book justice (which somehow indicated that the story in the novel is not perfect enough), and now they gain so much from her novel and she couldn't even win her case if she claims.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ombak Rindu... A Disappointment!

Release Date: 01 December 2011
Language: Malay
Genre: Romance
Running Time: 2 Hours 5 Minutes
Director: Osman Ali
Cast: Maya Karin, Aaron Aziz, Lisa Surihani

Synopsis: Izzah a simple kampong teacher is sold to a brothel by her uncle on the pretext that they need money for her Aunt's surgery. Her first customer is Rich playboy Harriz whom she begs to marry her and take her out of the rat hole. He marries her, brings her home, the only good deed he has done in a long time. Unknowingly he falls in love with her, and wants to break his engagement to childhood family friend Mila, but due to family pressure has to marry Mila. Thus begins the triangle of a saga which entangles three lives into a myriad of emotions.

What I say…

Beware of SPOILER ahead. Review seorang pembaca novel... so semuanya based on BOTH Novel and Film, tapi lebih kepada Novel sebab tulah yang ORIGINAL!

I’ve finally watched the movie last night. I was very excited to see this movie, solely because I am an avid fan of the novel which was written by Fauziah Ashari, who also wrote “Pergilah Sepi”. Pergilah Sepi is another one of the best novels ever published by Alaf21. I, sort of, “dragged” my hubby to the movie which started at 9.40 p.m. walaupun I have to wake up early the next morning. Shows you how excited I was.

I read an article from that Fauziah Ashari is not satisfied by the movie adaptation of her own novel. In the article, she seems to be dissatisfied due to the timeline of the story, but I beg to differ. I think she’s not happy with the fact that the Movie doesn’t stay true to the novel. I know I’m not happy at all. I was expecting the novel Ombak Rindu to come to life, but what I’ve seen is totally (not really) differs from the novel. They got some (very little) details from the novel correct, but I was left annoyed with MOST part.

From what I recall, whenever this movie is mentioned, the fact that it comes from a novel is being highlighted. Even the poster add in “A Masterpiece Based on the Best-Selling Novel”. Aduh. Those words macam nak membuatkan orang teruja with this movie. Macam Harry Potter dan Twilight la kononnya… Sepatutnya statement tu kena ubah sikit; “A Masterpiece LOOSELY Based on the Best-Selling Novel”, tak la I teruja sangat. Rasa macam kena tipu je. Huhuhu

In the novel, Izzah was a Clerk. In the movie, she was an Ustazah and work kat Warung. Izzah is supposed to be a girl with high ambition. Dia seorang pelajar yang cemerlang dan dia nak menyambung pelajaran. In the movie, she’s… betul – betul plain. To show that a girl is nice, kind and religious, she doesn’t need to be an Ustazah be all those. Kalau nak kata if Izzah ne ambitious is a bad thing, tak juga -- moralnya tetap ada. 

In my opinion, the beginning of the movie was not needed. 

The “Mak Cik” wasn’t supposed to be nice. Like the husband, she was anticipating a large income from Izzah’s involvement with the pub… and she was afraid that her husband would do something “sumbang” with Izzah because she was getting older, prettier, etc. Kes jealous la tu… I baca an article, memuji the fact that filem ini menyelitkan unsur kemanusiaan kerana Pak Cik si Izzah tu "menjual"nya kerana TERPAKSA. Tetapi menjual darah daging sendiri untuk suatu kebaikan tak lah membawa apa-apa mesej yang berguna. Kerana terdesak, sanggup melakukan sesuatu yang extreme macam ne. Daripada melihatkan "kebaikan" pada watak si Pak Cik, baik jadikan dia kejam terus kalau dia tu sanggup nak jual anak saudara sendiri.

Di dalam Novel, Izzah di“penjarakan” di apartment Bayu Damai. Di dalam movie, dia stay kat rumah banglo kayu Hariz.

There are too many dissatisfaction in my part, but to list it all out would take up all day. Biar lah. Yang penting I hate this movie.

Yang paling I tak puas hati is the revelation part. The part where Pak Dollah revealed the truth about Hariz. Part tu yang paling I tunggu and ia merupakan my favorite climax of a villain. Sepatutnya, Pak Dollah marah kat Hariz je sebab dia dah jatuhkan hukumah gantung tak bertali kat Izzah dan telah “membunuh” anak mereka dengan tak sengaja. Datuk Sufiah mendengar dari satu sudut yang tersembunyi daripada Hariz and Pak Dollah. Pak Dollah tu sebenarnya bestfriend dengan laki Datuk Sufiah ne. Laki Datuk Sufiah merayu Pak Dollah serahkan anaknya sebab Datuk Sufiah tu dah keguguran 2 kali. Sebab sayangkan bini, dia sanggup merayu kat Pak Dollah supaya menyerahkan anaknya dengan janji bahawa dia akan dijaga dengan baik. Sebab Pak Dollah terhutang budi dengan bestfriend dia ne, dia bagi la. Pak Dollah bagitau isteri dia yang anak mereka ne yang mati tu… aaand…. Bila Datuk Sufiah mengetahui hal sebenar, dia terkena serangan jantung dan mati on the spot. Dalam movie ne, dah lah Pak Dollah attack Datuk Sufiah tu… Part sana tu lagi tak berapa clear. Mati ke dia, jadi baik ke dia, insaf ke… Blank terus Datuk Sufiah tu.

By the way, I mentioned that Hariz telah “membunuh” anak mereka semasa Izzah dijatuhkan hukuman tu. Izzah tu keguguran… Tapi dalam movie ne, oleh sebab director tu baik sangat kot… Kandungan Izzah selamat. Mungkin juga nak kurangkan "dosa" si Hariz ne. Pfft.

Dalam novel, I don’t hate Mila. Tak suka je sebab dia ne, as the Bruneian would say, “babal”. Dia seorang yang boleh diconsider lemah lemut tapi keras kepala. In the movie… Mila ne macam psyco. Tak tau la salah Lisa Surihani or salah si director.

Yang I waited juga, part where isteri Pak Dollah meraung nakkan Hariz selepas dia tau Hariz tu anak dia. 

Paling-paling mengecewakan... Semua perubahan dibuat, dikatakan, bagi menepati kesesuaian la, citarasa penonton la, etc. Watak Izzah "dinaik-tarafkan" menjadi seorang Ustazah; Izzah sebagai seorang wanita yang berhati bersih, mulia... bla... bla... bla. Apa yang gagal ditekankan adalah hijrah watak Hariz dari beperwatakan buruk ke arah perwatakan yang lebih baik. Di dalam novel, penulis bijak menyelitkan teguran-teguran halus daripada Izzah terhadap suaminya (seperti membentangkan sejadah untuk suaminya) dan akhir sekali, Hariz dilihat sentiasa faham dengan teguran-teguran si isteri tetapi buat-buat tak faham. Filem ini langsung tidak menitik-beratkan usaha penulis dengan perkembangan watak lelaki ke arah positive. 

Walaupun they created an Ustazah out of the main character, the film still failed to highlight Malay and Islam as a general. Watak utama tu saja la yang "perfect" eh?

I don’t like Osman Ali’s direction. Selalu lari dari satu scene ke satu scene dengan tiba - tiba. Kadang - kadang, belum habis orang bercakap, dah kena potong. Hisy... Spoil! Dah tu, lagu tema tu dimainkan berulang-ulang-ulang-ulang kali. Kacau! Karyanya sebelum ne, Lagenda Budak Setan, tu, my sis and amit rate the movie 1/10. Hmm… They did mentioned about the scenes change, now I understand why they're annoyed by that.

My hubby cakap, kalau sama macam novel, baik baca saja novel. Huhu. I wanted to see the novel I read come to life. Breaking Dawn Part 1 is a good example of a good adaptation. I puas hati sangat - sangat. When pengarah decided to angkat novel orang, baik fikir dulu. Kalau I lah penulis novel tu, I will get mad, kecewa and offended. Pandai-pandai je ambil idea orang dah tu ditukar-tukar sesuka hati. I pun heran gak bila I read review from peminat novel mengatakan mereka suka. Seriously?!!!

Pffft. I rate Ombak Rindu the Movie... 2/10. 2 points because of the perfect casting, even with one being unnecessary addition to the main cast. I think semua penonton mungkin berpuas hati dengan movie ne; semasa I keluar dari panggung wayang, ramai yang merah mata, and ada yang cakap, "liat dua kali, nangis jua ku masih". Novel Ombak Rindu ne I beli in 2004, Tapi I ingat sebab I baca balik-balik dah. huhuhu. Banci I ehhh! Disappointed brabis! I watched the movie in the first place because of the novel, tapi lain plang yang dilihat.

Quote from Osman Ali di extract dari + My Ulasan

"Pertama kali saya arahan filem yang diadaptasi daripada novel serta skrip yang ditulis oleh orang lain. Saya tak pernah kerja dengan skrip orang lain dan pada mulanya saya mempunyai pandangan yang spektikal.

"Saya suruh penulis skrip Arman Tono untuk mengubahkannya sebanyak tiga kali dan barulah saya berpuas hati dan menerimannya. (Patutlah ceritanya LAIN sangat!) Tapi saya bantu Arman dan mengolah skrip itu jadi screen play dan supaya sesuai dengan kehendak pembaca yang akan menonton filem ini kelak. (Hmm… Daripada dia yang bantu, baik minta nasihat dari penulis buku itu sendiri)

Menyedari tidak semua pembaca novel dapat menerima rombakan dan perubahan apabila sesebuah novel diadaptasi kepada filem, maka pengarah muda ini mengekalkan keaslian jalan ceritanya.
Namun dia hanya mengubah sedikit sub plot cerita itu agar kena dengan kehendak layar perak.

"Jalan cerita saya kekalkan 100 peratus agar pembaca novel berpuas hati dengannya (Jalan ceritanya tak kekal 100% pun!). Cuma saya tambah dan kurangkan mana yang perlu sahaja. Sebagai contoh watak-watak sampingan dalam novel saya gabungkan dan ada juga watak sampingan yang saya tonjolkan dalam Ombak Rindu” (Tak perlu ada watak-watak yang sememangnya takde memainkan peranan penting dalam novel tu. Tu yang buat PANJANG cerita lagi. Kalau lah dikekalkan mengikut novel... dan buang part yang tak brapa penting tu, I don’t think it’ll be a problem to squeeze everything in 2 and so hours)

Ditanya mengapa dia sanggup mempertaruhkan prinsipnya yang sebelum ini hanya mengarahkan skrip sendiri dan kerana Ombak Rindu dia sanggup bekerja menerusi skrip tulisan individu lain, kata Osman jalan ceritanya yang menarik telah menambat hatinya.

"Saya pernah baca novel ini dan saya sendiri menyukainya. Apabila kita lihat senario sekarang terlalu banyak filem aksi, seram dan sebagainya yang dihasilkan. Jadi saya terfikir apa salahnya saya tampil dan menghasilkan sebuah filem melodrama yang dah lama tak dibuat orang. Kisah kehidupan masyarakat Melayu, cinta, tangisan dan kisah dua wanita yang tertindas dan yang kuat ditonjolkan dalam filem ini membuatkan saya sangat-sangat tertarik," (Dia baca ke, dia scan je? Movie ne macam 30% je kena adapt)

Berkongsi kisah cabaran dan kesukaran sepanjang mengarahkan Ombak Rindu, kata Osman proses membantu pelakon, serta pengawalan kamera di lokasi penggambaran di lautan antara yang mencabar dirinya.

"Saya perlu membentuk perwatakan Maya Karin untuk menjadi Izzah iaitu seorang wanita kampung dan lemah lembut. Saya puji dia kerana berusaha bersungguh-sungguh untuk menjayakan watak itu kerana kita tahu Maya merupakan seorang wanita kacukan. (Sebenarnya Maya Karin tu tak perlu la berusaha sangat sebab dia memang boleh memainkan watak Izzah. Masalahnya, Izzah dalam movie ne is a stranger to me. Izzah dalam novel dengan Izzah dalam movie ne are like two different character. And yang I want to see juga, Izzah yang manja. Izzah dalam movie ne is tau sedih – sedih je. Izzah dalam novel ne kuat merajuk and manja)

Kemudiannya Lisa Surihani pula telah membawakan watak Mila seorang wanita yang bersikap keras hati dan mementingkan diri yang jauh berbeza daripada sifat sebenar Lisa. (Mila ne betul – betul differs from Novel!Mila)

Di extract daripada + My Ulasan

Pendapat pendek kami, filem ini mampu mengusik jiwa penonton & jika terbuai dengan plot Ombak Rindu, mata boleh berair. Lelaki tidak terkecuali jika dalam hati ada taman. (Memang tak dinafikan!)

Ketika sidang media bersama pengarah, penerbit & barisan pelakon, penulis asal novel Ombak Rindu Fauziah Ashari meluahkan rasa tidak puas hati dengan hasil adaptasi filem yang bakal di’tayangkan pada 1 Disember ini.(High Five! I'm not alone in this...)

Menurut Fauziah Ashari terdapat beberapa plot penting dalam novel yang tidak di’angkat ke layar perak & juga dialog yang di’gunakan dalam filem ini tidak selari dengan apa yang beliau sampaikan menerusi novel.

“Namun saya tetap berfikiran terbuka dengan usaha pihak penerbit untuk membawa karya saya ke layar perak,” ujar Fauziah Ashari.

“Satu pesanan saya, jika boleh selepas ini jika ada lagi novel yang di’angkat menjadi filem — jemput penulis asal novel tersebut untuk duduk sebagai penulis skrip atau panel penasihat.” (Aaah. Tu lebih molek. Karya tu pun memang hak milik penulis novel kan.)

-- Sekian daripada pembaca "Ombak Rindu". Kecewa I sangat - sangat...

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Felt Neglected...

I've been spending my free leisure time online; I've fallen for so many internet forums and one stood out for me compared to the others. However, as of late, the network has turned strange to me. The environment no longer grab my interested. I've a job, and yet I feel like I don't have it at all, not with these new colors flying around me. One said I should do this, one said I shouldn't be doing so. One said it like command, and one said it like my words are just words. *sighs*...

I'm So Seriously Pissed!

As it turned out; a good life tends to be short-lived. My interest for US version of X Factor is fastly deteriorating, and after the first live show, I never turned it on again.

When it comes to UK X Factor... Marcus and Craig are my musics; the only two who never disappoint me since day 1. Miss Janet Devlin has turned from Angel to somewhat a child with a tantrum like devil. I haven't watched the latest live show of UK X Factor, but I do know the result. Seriously! I thought Craig was going to win the entire show (or second only to Marcus) but as it turned out, he got the least number of vote compared to all the other contestant. What's wrong with you UK people?!!

Amelia Lily, who just got back in, got through the next round which I think is very unfair. Why do they have the urge to take back the contestant who already been voted out by the judges??!! It's like licking your own spit. Seriously! If Marcus got off the game, I'll completely turn off X Factor UK.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Continuous X Factor Episodes: Life is Good!

It's obvious that I'm so into X Factor these days. At first, I don't think I'm going to bother watching the US version but apparently, I couldn't help myself. I was curious about the talent (and the judges) in the US...

I don't have much to say about the US X Factor. Most of the contestants are pretty forgettable to me, other than the girl who was the first to sing on the first episode of the Audition show, the guy who just got our of rehab and the 17 years old girl who doesn't look 17 at all. Oh, and the girl with HUGE lips. However, as memorable their performances were, I don't remember their name and I don't want to be bothered searching for their name.

I wonder why Cheryl Cole backed out; but Nicole is a nice addition. She's fun, energetic and very funny. Nicole and Paula got the categories that they didn't seem to care about... I wonder how they deal with their categories. With that said, I want team Cowell to win.

Needless to say, I think the US version isn't as exciting as the UK version... so far.

I found myself watching the UK version so many times; one time is simply NOT enough. My early favorites are Janet Devlin, Johnny Robinson, Craig Colton, Marcus Collins, Sami Brookes and The Keys. Janet and Craig didn't disappoint me with their performances so far; I've mixed feelings with the others.

I loved Craig Colton's performance from the Judges House. I found myself listening to it again, and again, and again... and his other performances too.

Janet Devlin has the best tones out of all the girls, in my opinion. However, I would like to hear her singing a fast number and see how she does.

Sami and Johnny could have done better; their voices are fine, but their outfits are NOT and it's a distraction.

The Keys didn't make it, however, I'm loving the fact that Charlie made it to the new formed group. The Risk's first performance was in the first live show and I'm so very impressed with them. They all compliment each other well. I can't say much about the other groups.

I think Gary Barlow did great so far. He's opinionated and very honest. I found myself annoyed with Tulisa who got offended easily. I'm always looking forward to Gary and Kelly's comments... the other two; not so much. As much as I love Kelly, I think she's showing an obvious admiration towards Janet and it's not fair for the other girls. Maybe it's just me... and like Kelly, I want to thump Louis, for different reasons though. He CHOSE Goldie over Sami?!!!! and Jonjo over TERRY?!!! I was dreading the fact that Sami got in because Goldie backed off. Seriously, I think Louis is DEAF. After the initial decision he made, I found myself not caring about him OR his understudy...

I love the time set for these two shows. In my time, I get to watch X Factor UK on Monday and Tuesday... then I get to continue watching X Factor US on Thursday and Friday.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Good Old Small Days

It's been 5 months since the final episode of Smallville aired, and I'm still into it. For some strange reasons, I found myself typing "Smallville" whenever I tried to browse for stuff on the internet. I always ended up asking why I did what I did. I was excited for Smallville to end before the show ended, and now I found myself missing it; I'd watch an episode once a week, at the very least.

Smallville was probably one of the best Sci-Fi TV shows ever created, and for that reason, I'm always grateful for the duos, Al Gough and Miles Millar. I was never into a TV series the way I was with Smallville... However, I don't really think that it's the show that got me into the zone; it was more due to the incredible casts and the amazing chemistry between its casts. Without a doubt, it was when Erica Durance came into the cast (in season 4) that I truly became a fanatic.

It was such a good old days... For the past 6 years, I've been anticipating a new episode of Smallville every week, and when the hiatus period came, I'd go into internet forums and speculate with the rest of Smallville fans; I'd go to DevotedtoSmallville for a peaceful discussion, I'd go to Kryptonsite for a debate or two and I'd go to DivineIntervention for my Clois gushing.

Clois... it's short/shipper name for Clark and Lois. It's one of the best ship ever!! I like the Christopher & Margot's Clois... Teri & Dean's Clois was good too. I have only one comment on Brandon & Kate's Clois: BORING. The fact that there wasn't much Clois in Superman Returns didn't help... That aside, Tom & Erica's Clois is the BEST Clois there is! The chemistry was AMAZING. I would want to see them working together again. In a movie or something. They'd be great in a romantic comedy.

To me, nothing can top what Tom and Erica had... I'm on a few other TV shows now, however, Tomerica's Clois is still the best ship there is. There's a few that came close to them, but we'll get back to that next time.

Onto my personal life: I have a new job. I'm a library assistant for the government. I have no formal training in the library course, but so far, it wasn't hard for me to catch up on everything. My seniors are all nice; they're older (My parents' age, probably older) than me, but they're all decent...

I'm watching X Factor UK with my sister as I type this. So, I'm gonna get back focusing on that now. Salam.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

X Factor UK - Part 2

I don't think I miss Simon Cowell. The guy, Gary Barlow gave comments similar to Simon's, however, he was always nice. He's using so many words that Simon's famous for, and the way he said it. lol... and he's very sarcastic! I'm loving the judging panel for this season. :)

Marcus Collins' audition  - Very friendly and he can sing! He has a pretty "free" voice; he doesn't need to try so hard with his voice... and I do love the audience. :D

Jonjo Kerr's audition - This is unexpected, but I really do like this audition.

Amelia Lily's audition - I think she's good, but I don't get the song. lol

John Adams' audition - WOW. Didn't see that coming. He has a voice full of soul... But I don't like it when the contestant stood so close to the judges table... that bit kinda put me off a bit.

Michelle Barrett's audition - This is such a touching audition. She's a very cute mother... When Tulisa cried, you can't help but share the tears as well...

2 Shoes' audition - Again, this is unexpected. They're decent, but they really need to work on their appearance and personality

John Wilding's audition - Very nice!

Bradley Johnson's audition - Worth mentioning, but I can't really hear him with that small voice. He needs to turn up the volume a bit.

Deep Dhillon's audition - I usually skip the bad singers, but I don't know why I bother to watch this. It was amusing! "I want you back. I want you back. I want you back". lol.

Ceri Rees' audition - Awww... but hahahaha.

X Factor UK - Part 1

I'm really hooked!! I've been watching the clips uploaded by itv on youtube since I've done my job few hours ago... and here are my thoughts!

Janet Devlin's audition  - She's a very sweet girl! Very cute voice and you can hear how nervous she was. It's endearing to see this shy person getting standing ovation from the crowd and the judges.

Johnny Robinson's audition - This guy makes me smile and cry at the same time. He has the same personality as Jean Martyn of the Britain's Got Talent; very pleasant and always full of joy. He makes people very happy... and he can sing too!

Derry Mensah's audition - I didn't think that this is going to be one of my favorite auditions. For one thing he's... nevermind. I thought he came just because of Kelly Rowland. I didn't think that he came with the voice like that. I also love how nice Kelly is... The guy's obviously ecstatic! "Kelly Rowland kissed me!" lol

Misha Bryan's audition - I really didn't expect that she could sing at all! These Britain people never cease to amaze me! Usually when I watch American Idol, I think almost all of those who came with weird looks (in my eyes) and attire do tend to sing like frogs. This isn't the case for UK shows, it seems... Poeple with the voice doesn't look like star (i.e: Paul Potts, Susan Boyle, etc). lol. This Misha girl has great voice and showmanship, but I do hope she won't overdo the singing like Fantasia.

Craig Colton's audition - It's cute that this guy came to the audition without telling his parents who were apparenly in the audience. They didn't have any idea that he was going to audition. He's got the personality and the voice! He's got quick wit too. lol. He reminded me of Michael Collings of the Britain's Got Talent somehow...

Monday, September 19, 2011

Into The X Factor

I'm in my youtube video browsing at since... a few hours ago. I was so busy these past two days. My work is done now, so I get to watch some youtube videos. Yay!

I'm currently into the X Factor UK, after seeing Joe McElderry's audition. I discover another very talented person. His name is Matt Cardle. I think his best performance was when he sung The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Such a wonderful voice and the performance made me teary somehow... and apparently, he's the winner for the 7th season.

I think I'm over my Joe McElderry zone now. However, I'm so hooked with the UK Reality Show, X Factor. I'm on its 8th Season now (via YouTube that is). Apparently, it's still on going. So far, I saw two outstanding performances...

The US version is scheduled to premiere on 21st September, and from what I've heard, which is why Simon quits American Idol... and he drags Paula Abdul into it. It feels like American Idol all over again, except the "dog" is not in the judges' table. I just hope Paula will make an effort to not say things we don't get though.

I'm so pumped with this new show!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Joe McElderry in "Popstar to Operastar"

So... I'm so into Joe McElderry at the moment. I ended up watching every clip of his performances in "Popstar to Operastar". I don't understand Opera, but I do like hearing the performers' majestic voice when I stumble upon it...

Joe McElderry - Una Furtiva Lagrima

Joe McElderry - La Donna E Mobile

The next one... I've heard of this song before. Paul Potts sang this in Britain's Got Talent. I'm not comparing Joe with Paul; I think they both have their own flavour in this song and were great at it, though, I admit that I cried when I first saw Paul Potts sang this.

Joe McElderry - Nessun Dorma

Joe Mcelderry - Granada

A duet is next.. Rolando has a very scary (in a very good way) voice!!!

Joe Mcelderry & Rolando Villazon - Musica Proibita

Joe McElderry - Nessun Dorma

I've always wondered if I really get the chance to see one, would I be engrossed with it, or would I fall asleep?

Joe McElderry

Once again, I'm jobless at the moment.

Well -- the day has started off a bit hectic, and by a bit, I really meant a LOT. I had so much to do this morning, up until a few minutes ago, actually. At one point, I noticed that most of my co-workers walked towards the exit door. I turned to my best co-worker and asked if there's any meeting at the Headquarter today. He looked at me weirdly and told me it's already noon... and only then I realised that I most of the population in the office have already gone. I guess I really was busy.

Now that I have extra time to spare with the company's internet connection, I'm trying to see something new at Youtube; I've been youtube-ing Adele these past few days. I typed in X-Factor, and guess what? I found a video of this one guy who has a GREAT voice: Joe McElderry. I ended up re-playing his audition a lot of time; I'm still on it, actually. I tried to get an embed code of the video and it turned out there was none (one with good quality that is). See the video HERE.

On a side note, my little sister is pursuing her study in the United Kingdom. Yesterday was a very sad day... One of my baby sisters won't be around here for a long time. (sigh)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

In a Dilemma

I'm in a dilemma since yesterday. Who would have thought that buying a handphone would take up much of your thoughts. You work, and you think about it... You're about to sleep and it crept into your head when it's so rare for you to actually think of anything when you're about to go to bed. By you, I meant me.

I'm all alone in my kitchen now. (sigh) Need to clean up the house yet again...

P.S: I really am addicted to Adele's song now.

I'm calling you...

As I stared at the very busy scenery while I drove few minutes ago, a thought crept into my very lazy head. I'm thinking of calling this new blog... Ness.

It's funny because everything that has been happening since this morning was all random. I never thought that I'd start blogging (I've had a blog before but NEVER actually make it into something... very personal) and now I'm doing it. It's funny that the name I thought of, kind of, being deprived from the name Nessie which is short for Renesmee, who happens to be one of my favorite characters in “Breaking Dawn”.

Anyways… So, now this blog is called Ness. I’m going be talking to you soon. 

P. S: My writing is getting rusty. I’ve been writing in Malay since I started working about five months ago, which is a great thing too. However, I think I’m better in English writing than in Malay, not that I’m great at it at all; I just don’t care so much about making grammar mistake here and there. It’d be less embarrassing ‘cause I'm not talking in my Mother language (shrugs).

Monday, September 12, 2011

Lets do this again

I am familiar with blogger before I created this new blog, however, I was never so keen writing about my personal life in public. My old blog was basically where I would pour my heart out about my passion, which was Smallville. Now that Smallville is already over, I'd like to try and talk about other stuff.

It's 1.15 P.M in Brunei now, and I'm extremely tired. I'm on my lunch break now and I'm not planning on feeding myself for another 5 hours or so. I really need to lose some more weight.

Signing off now - try to listen to more songs by Adele. I'm addicted.

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