My rating: 5 of 5 stars
Aku Pilih Dia merupakan novel ke-empat Kak Hezzy Azra, tapi aku sudah terlebih dahulu membaca novel ke-lima hasil tulisannya, "Semerah Red Velvet". Dah tak mengikut urutan... I don't know how this novel slip out of my mind dulu, sedangkan I memang selalu anticipate novel dari kak Hezzy. Semasa chat dengannya selepas membaca SRV, baru I perasan yang I missed one of her novels. Hezzy Azra kan merupakan salah seorang novelists favorite I, which is why I wajib ada kesemua novel-novelnya.
Anyways, on with the review.
I really like the plot of the story. Somewhat cliche, which somehow surprised me sebab Kak Hezzy selalunya akan avoid dari menulis cerita macam ne.
Unlike novel Kak Hezzy sebelum ne, heroes dalam novel ne digambarkan mempunyai kriteria-kriteria yang normally ada pada hero sesuatu cerita so I guess it can confuse readers; lebih-lebih lagi when one of these heroes muncul almost ditengah-tengah pages buku.
For the first half of the book, the author focuses more on the relationship between Johana and Raif Imran. Penceritaan yang membuatkan I suka dengan perwatakan Raif -- seorang bos yang dedikasi and a very caring friend. Dia memang mesra dengan semua kawan-kawan perempuannya dan suka flirts dengan mereka. Even setiausahanya pun siap dipanggil "dear" or "yang". I've come across a man macam ne so I can just imagine. When I read the synopsis, I have a hunch that Johana will end up with Ian Redza tetapi halfway membaca, I got a queasy feeling that Raif might be the one.
Then he came along... Selepas babak pertemuan di stesen minyak di antara Johana and Ian Redza, barulah I guarantee yang Ian is the one. Judging from Kak Hezzy's writing dari novel pertamanya lagi, I memang can guess how her damsel acts when she sees her Mr. Right. Ha! Pandai juga Kak Hezzy trick pembaca ya. Sikit lagi I nak cheat ke page akhir sebab nak tau siapa yang dipilih... :P
Cinta pandang pertama!! I like!
I really like watak Ian Redza. I especially like his respect and love for his stepmother. Semasa penulis bermain teka teki dengan pembaca tentang status hubungan Ian Redza dengan his stepmom, I memang dah agak yang Ian merajuk membawa diri sebab ingatkan ibu tiri yang sudah dianggapnya seperti ibu kandung tu dah tak sayangkan dia lagi. I got the clue semasa penulis mentioned that he became distant selepas Datin Raudhah mendesak dia untuk menyambung pelajaran di UK... and apparently, I was right! What I didn't expect was the fact that his birthmom is a nice person.
I like watak Johana. I like the fact that she's very close with her family. I like the prologue but I'm feeling a bit sad when I read that part. Any part yang mentioned Johana and her first love tu buat I feel sangat. The story somehow ada similarities with my own love story but hopefully our ending will be a happy one. We've got to see Johana in a similar situation twice in this novel, tetapi jelas nampak kematangan Johana menghadapi situasi ngeri dihadapinya buat kali kedua. I really like the character development there.
Dari first novel sampai "Semerah Red Velvet", style penulisan Kak Hezzy tidak pernah mengecewakan aku. She rarely did repetitions and she always knows just when to end a chapter. Her descriptive writing is also di tahap cemerlang; we can see every picture that she wants us to see.
Penggunaan Bahasa Inggeris Kak Hezzy memang superb. She always knows when to slip in English language in a dialogue dan tak pernah I rasa nak laugh or shake my head when I read these parts. Some other novel writers tend to overuse the language most of the time in a dialogue. I also like the fact that Ian has a Scottish slang sebab I memang suka dengar slang orang Scotland. Semasa baca, ada kalanya macam susah nak faham, but then again, if you hear the slang, lagi you tak faham. I'm quite surprise juga sebab kak Hezzy memilih Glasgow sebagai tempat tinggal Ian semasa di Scotland sebab that's the only place that I know since my brother went there for his further study few years back. Coincidence?!!
Also, what I like about this writer is the fact that she knows what she was writing. Johana is a reporter and I guess kak Hezzy did her homework on the job description of being a reporter... and she also knows what she's talking about when she deals with her two businessmen. Some writers tend to just write something like, "I want you to siapkan project itu." and it ends there. You won't find it in any of Hezzy Azra's novel. She's very peculiar about her story-telling. I always come across new business term or knowledge when I read her story.
Lastly, I noticed that when I read Hezzy Azra's novel, I tend to google the type of car she mentioned sebab mostly they're outside my knowledge. Well -- I mau jugak tau how to picture the car mentioned.
Two of Kak Hezzy's couples (from her previous novels) made their appearance in this novel, but only briefly. Wanna know siapa? Baca la novel ne.
Reading this book made me wanna re-read Kak Hezzy's first baby. I've forgotten how much I like her story. hehe
This book is a must read: highly recommended.
Pemergian Khalil tiga bulan sebelum diijabkabulkan, mengheret cinta Johana hingga ke pusara. Bertahun-tahun dia merawat duka di hati, namun pengganti Khalil tetap sukar dicari. Bila ada yang bertanya siapa Raif Imran di sisinya, jawapan yang diulang berkali-kali, lelaki itu cuma teman... tapi mesra.
Raif pula tidak pernah meluah rasa kepada Johana. Baginya, walau didampingi ramai gadis sekalipun, Johana tetap ada ruang istimewa di hati. Johana sering menduduki senarai teratasnya biarpun tidak pernah mengisytiharkan gadis itu miliknya. Kemunculan Ian Redza mula mengubah segala-galanya. Kali pertama Raif menonton kemesraan Ian dan Johana, dia dijangkiti virus cemburu.
Raif kata, Ian merampas Johana daripada aku!
Ian balas, Aku tak mencuri hak sesiapa.
Hati Johana berbisik, Hanya aku yang tahu... ada seorang sahaja yang aku cinta.
Dalam pada ingin mencintai, tidak seharusnya ada yang akan terluka.
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